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RV Girl Guides {♥}

RV Girl Guides {♥}

11 patrols. Four levels. Two companies. One CCA. Infinite Love. :D

We are a gang of friendly and humourous ladies with a surprising bit of man's power. So ya better watch out k (:

We might be ever so different, but you'll be shocked at how well we bond (L) Unlike poles attract mahh :D

One for all, all for one! RVGG FTW! Let's keep our guiding light burning! ♥


Monday, March 19, 2012

Dear Year 1s,

Your dearest Test work Co-ordinators have come up with a set of notes for you. Please refer to the following post below:

*Click on the image to enlarge.

Girl Guides

The Guide Company

· Made up of a number of patrols which meet up regularly for activities.

· Meet to: plan, progress in their 5-point programme, play.

How the Guide Movement began

· Guiding for girls has its roots in Boy Scouting

· Movement founded by Lord Robert Baden – Powell

· 1n 1910, the Girl Guides Association was formed with Agnes Baden– Powell as the first President.


· World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.

· Supports girls and young women to develop their full potential as responsible citizens of the world.

· Focus on leadership development and active citizenship.

· Deliver well-established, unique values-based approach to non-formal learning. Girls and young women develop life skills through self-development, challenge and adventure.

· WAGGGS’ regions – Africa, Arab, Asia Pacific, Europe and Western Hemisphere

· World Centres: Our Chalet in Switzerland, Sangam in India, Pax Lodge in UK and Our Cabaña in Mexico.

· The World Centres are residential and training centres where girls and young women develop leadership skills through international programmes and friendships.

Guide Uniform

Guide Trefoil

· The Trefoil is the badge given to each Guide at ther enrolment.

· The three leaves of the Trefoil represent the Three- Fold promise.

· P.P stands for “Pandu Puteri” which means Girl Guides in the National Language.

The World Badge

· The first World Badge was adopted at the 11th World Conference.

· Given a new look in 1990.

The World Flag

The Guide Promise

“I promise to do my best:

To do my duty to God,

to serve my country and help other people,

and to keep the Guide Law. ”

“I promise to do my best:

A promise means that you have given your word that you are going to do what you say. You are trustworthy if you try to keep to your promises. Your best may differ from other people’s best. Only you know how hard you have tried.

To do my duty to God,

People belong to many different religions; they express their belief in God in different ways. Learn to put your faith into practise in your everyday life.

to serve my country and help other people,

Looking after our community, obeying laws of the country, find out more about our country through its history and cultures. Helping others willingly makes you feel good when you see how they have benefitted from your help.

and to keep the Guide Law. ”

1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted.

2. A Guide is useful and helps others.

3. A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders.

4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all guides.

5. A Guide is kind to all living things.

6. A Guide is obedient.

7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties.

8. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people.

9. A Guide is thrifty and diligent.

10. A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does.

The Guide Motto - Be Prepared.

“Be ready for any kind of duty that may be thrust upon them and, what is more, to know what to do by having practised it beforehand in any case of accident or any kind of work

that they may be asked to take up. ”

Guide Sign

· Given at the making of the Promise or as a greeting

· All Guides greet each other with the Guide Sign irrespective of rank

· To show the sign, guides must be wearing a form of Guide identification like the Trefoil, the World Badge or a Guide T-shirt

· Made by raising your right hand to shoulder level, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the little finger and the other three fingers together pointing upwards.

· The three fingers represent the Three- Fold Promise.

Guide Handshake

· Guides shake hands with one another with their left hand.

· The left hand is closer to the heart. It symbolizes friendship.

A Good Turn

“A Good Turn a Day”

This is one of the golden rules of Guiding all over the world. A Guide offers to do something or to help someone without expecting anything in return - that is considered is a good turn.

Thinking Day

· Birthday of Lord and Lady Baden Powell – 22 February

· On this day, every Guide is encouraged to think of other members of the Movement around the world.

Thinking Day Symbol

  • Introduced in 1975
  • World Trefoil in the centre represents the World Association
  • Arrows pointing towards the Trefoil represent action and give direction for that action. They may also represent ways and means in which the World Association can be helped by all its members.
  • The circular design represents the Guiding world.

Whistle Signals

1. A short blast - Attention
2. One long blast - Halt, Silence, Alert, Listen out for next signal or Cease
3. A succession of long slow blasts - Go out, Advance, extend or scatter
4. A succession of short, sharp blasts - Come together, Fall In.
5. A succession of short & long blasts alternately - Alarm, Look out, Be ready

6. Three short blasts followed by one long one from any Guider Leaders - come here! (Patrol Leaders)


Kai Xin


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Take a bow

Designer: Eunice
Inspiration: Plastic!Romance
Color: Color picker tool
Icon: Reviviscent

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