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RV Girl Guides {♥}

RV Girl Guides {♥}

11 patrols. Four levels. Two companies. One CCA. Infinite Love. :D

We are a gang of friendly and humourous ladies with a surprising bit of man's power. So ya better watch out k (:

We might be ever so different, but you'll be shocked at how well we bond (L) Unlike poles attract mahh :D

One for all, all for one! RVGG FTW! Let's keep our guiding light burning! ♥


Punk Picking- UG Camp
Monday, February 18, 2013

Dear Guides,

UG Camp is coming and we need punk for our Outdoor Cooking and Firelighting acts. As such, we will be picking punk for the camp. Here's the allocation:

Every level is to pick:

10 bags leaves, 10 bags twigs, 10 bags branches, 5 bags coconut husks, 5 bags logs.

Each bag is approximately the size of your average NTUC plastic bag. 

Keep in mind that this punk is not only for the use of UG Camp, but also to sustain future acts as well for us Guides to learn and practise Firelighting! So do pick good quality punk :)

What is Good Quality Punk?-- Punk Picking 101


Twigs are those that you usually find on the ground below trees in clusters. They are really thin and small (pick as thin as possible as it is better for firelighting).

For twigs, pick...
- Thin
- Dry
- As many as possible in a bag as it is very good for starting a fire.


Leaves are found (almost) everywhere, so it is easier to pick. Take note to choose those that are dry and "crunchy" (can be easily crumbled) as it means there is less water in the leaf, making it a better choice for punk. Leaves that are brown are often a good indication of its dryness.

For leaves, pick...
- Dry
- Non-waxy (these leaf types are harder to use in a fire)
- "Crunchy"
- Not too big/too small

Coconut Husks

I couldn't find a picture of coconut husk, but I'll try my best to describe it. We will pick some and post a picture of it soon. :) This is an often misunderstood type of punk.

Coconut Husk are pieces of brown, net-like "coverings" of the coconut shell. It is often found beside the coconuts and in beween the leaves and fruit of the coconut tree. It looks like a weaved net, and is really really light. This is one of the best punk to start a fire as it is easily flammable.

Take note: Coconut Husks are NOT the brown feathery thread-looking fibres inside the coconut, nor it is the leaves/shells of the coconut. Do remember this! It's something that always gets misunderstood :)

For coconut husks, pick...
- Dry
- Many many pieces!
- Size doesn't matter; in fact, the larger it is the better as it can be broken and then used many times :)


Branches often get mixed up with logs/twigs. They are not as thin as twigs, nor as thick as logs. Refer to the picture above. This is the average size of branches. Branches are very important in sustaining a fire and we often use a lot of it in firelighting. So, do pick a lot of branches of good quality! If you see a branch that is too long, step on it and then break it into half to collect it.

For branches, pick...
- Dry (without moisture, can be easily snapped)
- Without leaves (especially green leaves still on it)
- Not too thick (that's logs!) or too thin (that's twigs!)


Logs are the thickest among all the punk, and it is usually used to sustain a fire for a longer period of time. Do make sure that the logs picked are not wet (or, slightly less wet) and do not have ants/insects on them.

For logs, pick...
- Dry (or slightly wet, but dry it)
- Without leaves on it (especially green leaves)
- Without ants or insects

That's basically it; do refer to this "manual" for help when picking punk. Everyone is to pick GOOD QUALITY PUNK! Level ICs, do allocate the punk picking job and make sure everyone in the level participates in picking punk.

On another note, let's do our best and jiayou for the Thinking Day Rehearsal tomorrow! I want to see every single one of us standing up tall and proud for our honour of being a Guide :)

Yu Jia


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